
How To Clean Jack Lalanne Power Juicer

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Ready for a refreshing glass of juice each morning? What better way is there to start your day than by selecting your favorite fruits and veggies and easily producing a glass of juice packed with vitamins. The only downside is that you then need to know how to clean a juicer. However, once you get started in the process, it will quickly become routine. Follow our easy steps so you can keep your juicer clean all the time.

Regular cleaning

How to Clean a Juicer: Tips for Regular Maintenance and Stubborn Stains

Whether you need to clean your Jack Lalanne power juicer or clean your Breville juicer, regular cleaning should always be a priority. In fact, you should get into the routine of cleaning any type of juicer immediately after it has been used.

What you'll need

  • Mild dish soap
  • Clean cloth
  • Scrub brush
  • Toothbrush
  • Sink or a large bucket

1. Turn the juicer off

First things first, be sure to turn your juicer off. Yes, this may seem obvious, but as the results can be quite terrifying, it bears repeating.

In addition to turning your juicer off, you may also want to move it so that it is not near other appliances. The more room you have to clean, the better you can complete the task.

2. Disassemble it

Juicers have a lot of components and you want to take everything apart. The food chute, the strainer basket, and the blade are just some parts that should be removable. If you still have your instruction manual, you can refer to it to see just what can be removed.

Over time food can get into every nook and cranny, so disassembling your juicer will allow you to complete a really deep clean.

3. Empty the container

As you juice, the pulp of the fruit and vegetables is collected into a container while the juice goes through a separate area, eventually pouring into your cup. This pulp container needs to be emptied.

The pulp can be quite condensed, so you will want to use a spatula to remove everything. Before you just throw the pulp out, know that it is excellent for your garden. If you have a compost bin, be sure to place it in there.

4. Rinse everything with water

Now that everything has been disassembled, it's time to give each part a thorough rinse. This will remove any leftover food particles, helping with your cleaning. You can simply rinse each part under your sink's faucet. Alternatively, you can place all the parts into a bucket of water, swish them around, and then remove them.

5. Use dish soap and a sponge

A gentle dish soap should be all that you need to get your juicer clean. Fill your sink or a bucket up with warm, soap water. Then, use a cloth or a sponge and start cleaning. Start softly as some parts of a juicer, like the mesh strainer basket, are a bit sensitive.

If you have an area with a lot of stuck-on food pulp, consider using a more abrasive scrubbing brush to remove everything. If that isn't working, try soaking the part for up to an hour to dissolve the food.

6. Use a toothbrush or a specialty brush for small parts

One of the most intricate steps is understanding how to clean your juicer screen's buildup. Because the screen is so delicate, you might want to use a toothbrush. This way the tiny bristles can get into the small holes without damaging the screen.

You can also use a small brush around the blade, or in between small parts so that all of the surfaces are reached.

A specialty brush is ideal for cleaning your juicer. Usually, it comes with the purchase. If it's worn out or lost, however, you can get them separately (Omega sells their branded ones, suitable for a wide variety of juicer types and brands).

7. Soak everything in the sink

Once you have scrubbed (gently) all the parts of your juicer, it's time for a final cleaning. Fill your sink up with clean water. Then, place all the parts so they are submerged. Wait a few minutes and then rinse each part before putting them aside to dry.

8. Wipe the machine with damp cloth

While you can clean the juicer screen and clean the juicer filter with soap and water, the mechanical part of your juicer can't be submerged in water.

As your juicer parts are drying, take this time to wipe down the rest of the juicer machine with a damp cloth. There may be a few areas where food has dried, so if you need to, you can use a firmer brush. Just make sure you don't scratch the surface as this can leave unsightly marks.

9. Let everything dry and reassemble the unit

Finally, it's time to reassemble your unit. Wait until all your parts are dry. Because the parts can be small, it's best to let them air dry. Therefore, you may want to wait a few hours to ensure everything is fully dry. If you put your juicer back together too soon, it may lead to rusting.

Cleaning tough residue and stains

Sometimes you might be too busy to clean your juicer after you have used it and as a result there is a residue or stain that needs to be removed. Have no fear as there are plenty of ways to tackle this.

Follow the procedure above

First, always follow the procedure we outlined above. This should at least start to loosen any really tough stains.

Use dish soap with enzymes

How to Clean a Juicer: Tips for Regular Maintenance and Stubborn Stains

Enzymes may sound confusing but really, they are just able to break down other materials. If you have a really stubborn stain on your juicer, then you can use an enzyme cleaner. For example, this multifunctional enzyme cleaner from Biokleen works quickly to break down food residue without damaging the juicer or its parts.

Soak in water with denture tablets

If you're looking for an innovative way to clean your Omega juicer, or any other brand, you can always try denture tablets. This is a great method if you have a juicer carafe that is stained. Simply fill the carafe with warm water and drip in a denture tablet. Wait until the fizzing stops and then give it a good clean. This should remove the stain completely.

How to clean Jack Lalanne power juicer

Among the easiest to clean juicers is the Jack Lalanne power juicer. However, to disassemble it properly, you need a crescent tool. If you aren't sure how to use your Jack Lalanne power juicer without a crescent tool, there is an easy fix. Simply use a large wire that has a diameter of 1/8 inch. Then, bend it and place both ends into the blade holes. Just be sure to use leather gloves so you don't hurt your hands as you turn.

Final thoughts

Juicers are wonderful appliances. They give use fresh juice and you can select all the healthy fruits and vegetables that you want to use. However, they do need a fair bit of cleaning after each use. Understanding how to clean a juicer will help you get used to regular maintenance so you are always ready for your next glass of delicious and nutritious juice.

How To Clean Jack Lalanne Power Juicer


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